Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Make and Do!

I have been a bit busy of late, actually making things. A little doll for a baby soon to be born in Japan

a teeny weeny teddy for a Japanese student soon to return home to goodness knows what

a bit of patchworking
Finishing a dress (that I do not love!)
working on a belated magazine design

Whilst on the doing front.......

Deb dress shopping
Leadership Training
Still Waiting for a date for surgery (not really doing!)
Caring for sick kids
Very overdue housework

and farewelling the end of an era - Toffee (Lion Boy) now joining Pip (Skeletor)
in GP heaven
(along with Rosie, Peppa, Flash, Gingy, Spike)

This cage is now vacant and lonely, if anyone is interested (Melbourne area) - shoot me an email!


  1. the little bear is so sweet Laurel, what a lovely thing for your student to receive after all she's been through!

  2. lots of making and doing! very cute toys for japan. im sure they will be much loved and appreciated.
    i wasnt sure anyone did debs anymore im so glad to see they do! i had a lot of fun doing mine and learning all the dances - not sure i remember them now though. and the other fun part was getting my dress made.


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