Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Creative Space (edited)

My creative space is going to involve many things today, some more creative than others!

There will be some of these:

they are going to magically transform themselves into blueberry panackes!

A bit of this:

getting ready for my scrapbooking weekend away

and a whole lot of lesson planning!

I am home from my day job to care for the teen, but still have to go to my night job. So of course I have left the planning for tonight's lesson to the last minute.

I also need to do some cooking and packing for my weekend away. So, I guess my real creative space will be delayed till the weekend.

Make sure to visit Kootoyoo the home of creative, and a bit of faking!

P.S. Thanks Mum and Dad for the berries. I have already made a raspberry and orange cake. Thanks also for coming to share the care load!

edited to add this picture of the blueberry pancakes. Recipe here


  1. Yum! and I love the sound of your scrapbooking weekend, looks good...

  2. Yum blueberry pancakes!!! Have a great weekend..

  3. enjoy your weekend away!!!!

    My little mr is obsessed with blueberries at the moment, but I am NOT as obsessed with his nappies post blueberries! ;)


  4. Oh you just make the best food. I LOVE blueberry pancakes.
    I hope you have the best time away ever xo

  5. Nom nom, those pancakes look awesome! Glad you got time to make them!

  6. Oh yum. So much goodness in those pancakes hopefully the teen's body will suck up all the nourishment and be fit and strong again soon.
    Lovely lovely pancakes.
    Enjoy your weekend - sounds like you'll be making new memories too.

  7. Blueberry pancakes! =) Yum! Haven't had them for aaaaages, need to drop a few hints to Mr Morrgan...

  8. A weekend away sounds so good (my time will come!) Now I feel like making blueberry pancakes....hmmm...perfect timing for morning tea.

  9. Those pancakes look awesome. I can't yet cook a pancake well, burned or raw for me!

    I hope you teen gets better real soon too.

    PS thanks for your congrats on Eve's safe arrival. She is a bit special!

  10. in austria we call them "moosbeertatsch".....I love them!!1


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