Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Special Moment In Time

My dearly loved Nana passed away peacefully earlier in the week aged 91. Whilst looking for pictures for the funeral I came across this beauty. It was Christmas, in the early 70's. Ah the memories. I'll miss you Nana, you taught me so much.


  1. What a wonderful age to live to.....nana's are the best aren't they....I have great memories of my nanna too. Take Care Treann.x

  2. Your Nanna looked like a lovely Nanna and what a great age to live to. Hugs to you and take care and remember all the good times with your Nanna, you are lucky to have lots of memories. :)

  3. Best wishes to all the family , take care . What a lovely photo .
    clares craftroom

  4. We're so sorry to hear about the passing of your Nanna!
    Hugs from us all here! J&J, M, D and L

  5. Sorry to hear about your Nana.
    What a wonderful Nana pic this is!!
    You must have so many wonderful memories of her.

    Thanks again for your comments recently - you are always so kind, always so encouraging. I really appreciate that.

  6. Must have been wonderful to have a Nana, I didn't ever experience that.


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