Friday, January 9, 2009

Vintage Linen

Picked up this piece of vintage goodness at the opshop. I was there taking 3 big bags of Miss C's discarded toys and clothes when I spied this doona cover. And what did I think? She of course needed this to go in her newly cleaned and organised room. Thankfully she agreed!


  1. That is adorable! is it Holly Hobby? (Hollie Hobbie? I can't recall how they spell it!) If so, it's probably a collector's item, so no texta's on the bed :-D

  2. It's very sweet! I don't know where all my old doonas and things went... hopefully they turn up one day so I can pass them on.

  3. Hi Laurel, pop on over to my blog for a surprise blog award. Kind Regards Treann


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